Soal formal letter dan jawabanya

Hi guest, Mari berlatih soal yang sederhana terkait personal letter, sebelumnya materi personal letter sudah saya bahas di artikel lain kamu bisa klik disini terkait materi personal letter.

Di artikel sebelumnya sudah saya jabarkan apa itu personal letter dan struktur membuat surat pribadi atau personal letter begitu juga unsur tata bahasa yang digunakannya.

Berikut ini adalah soal latihan personal letter berbentuk uraian. Kamu bisa berlatih untuk menjawab soal di bawah ini, dan mengamati bentuk surat yang sedrhana.

Activity 1:Reading Comprehension

Read the following letters! Then answer the questions!
                                                  Jln. Menjangan No, 48
                                                  September 1 j 2018

Dear Bobby,

How's life with you? I hope everything is fine. Please, give my regards to
the rest of your family. As I told you that I have been chosen as a captain
of my school football team. At first, I was worried if I couldn't do
my job well. But, now I'm happy about that position. Our team had a match
last week. It was my first match as a captain.

We had been busy for practice for a month. We had football practice twice a
week at 4 p.m. Before we played football, I asked my team to get warming
up. We ran around our school. You know that my school is located near rice
field, right? When we were running, we enjoyed the fresh air. I tried
to guide my team well. I learnt how to guide a football team from my big
brother. He is also a captain of a college football team. I was relieved
that my team likes my leadership.

When the match day came, I was nervous. I encouraged my team to do the best
as they could. Fortunately, we won. I was very happy. Our football coach
was proud of us. He also thanked me. From that time, I feel confident about
my position.

Well, we will have a match next month, therefore, we are busy for practice
now. You were the best football player when we were middle school. Please,
give me some tips about how to play football well! Well, please reply my
letter when you have time.

Best regards,


P.S. I send you a DVD of my match. Please, give me your opinion about it.

Answer the questions based on the text above!
1. What is the letter about?
2. What do you know about Bobby?
3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
4. What is Rio's activity nowadays?
5. What does Rio want Bobby to do?
6. Mention the Generic structure of personal letter above?
7. What's tense mostly used the personal letter above?
8. What is the opening letter above?
9. You were the best football player when we were middle school
   The word you in the last paragraph refer to.....
10.What is the synonym of college?

Activity 2: Identifying Language Features 

Read the letter below! Then answer the questions!

                                                 Jin. Kaswari 192
                                                 August 2, 2018
Dear Annisa,

How's life? I hope you are okay. My grandma gave me an idea to send you a
letter and now I'm writing to you. She remembers you. Do you like your new
house? I miss you already. Mum said that we can visit you in the holidays.
I can't wait for it.

You know what? I rode a horse last week. I went to my uncle's farm and
there were some horses. I rode the tame one. It was an amazing experience
for me. My uncle asked me to give it a name. I named it pretty. Well, you
said that you wanted to have a pet. Do you have it now?

I have sent you a photo of me with Pretty. Can you send me your photo with
your pet? I can't wait to see you again. Please, write back soon.

Best wishes,


P.S. My grandma wants me to send you some food. What would you like?


1. What pronouns does the writer use?
2. Can you find contractions in the letter? Give three examples!
3. Give two examples of declarative sentences found in the text!
4. What tenses does the writer use?
5. Can you find expressions of starting, telling a purpose, and the ending? Mention!

Kunci Jawaban:

Activity 1:

  1.  It is about sharing experience as captain of a football team
  2. He is Rio's friend. he was the best football player when Bobby and Rio were at the middle school
  3. The preparation before the first match of Rio's as captain
  4.  He practices football for the next month match
  5. He wants Bobby to watch his match and give him some opinions and tips about how to play football well
  6. a. The writer's address,  b. Date, c. Salutation, d, Opening paragraph, e. Body/ Content, f. closing, g. Complimentary close, h. signature, i. postscript
  7. Simple Present Tense
  8. In the first paragraph
  9. refer to Bobby
  10. School
Activity 2:

  1. I, it and you
  2. Yes, I can. How's life, - I'm writing to you, - I can't wait for it.
  3. She remembers you, - I miss you already, - I rode a horse last week
  4. Simple Present Tense, Simple Past tense
  5. Ye, I can.
          Starting             : how's life
          Telling Purpose : My grandma gave me an idea to send you a
                                     letter and now I'm writing to you.
          Ending             : Please, write back soon


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