Materi Lagu Bahasa Inggris

Hi guest, kali ini kita akan belajar tentang unsur tata bahasa yang dipakai dalam lagu maupun puisi. Di artikel yang lain sudah saya jelaskan terkait struktur lagu, kamu juga klik blog ini.
Lalu apa bedanya antar lagu dan pusi, memang keduanya hamper mirip ya guest, tapi sejatinya fungsi dan kegunaanya pun juga berbeda. Pada dasarnya lagu adalah diatur menggunakan music sedangkan puisi tidak diatur menggunakan music. Dalam lagu rangkain kata-kata tersebut dinamakan sebagai Lirik dan puisi rangkan kata-katanya disebut Stanza.
Berikut ini penjelasan perbedaan lagu dan puisi, tolong disimak dengan baik ya guest.

Language Features of Song and Poem

Both song and poem are decribed as a composition of words similar nature. The Mojor difference is that a song is set to music while a poem is not set to music.
Words in the song are collectively known as lyrics. Group of words in the poem are known as stanzas.

A poem is a composition that is written or spoken for communicating beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. Some people call poem as poetry.

The two words poem and poetry are interchangeable used although there is a difference between poem and poetry. A poem is a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction (rhyme), rhythm, and poetry. On the Other hand, poetry is literally work in which in
the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm.

Below are language features usually used in song;
1. Rhyme, is indentity in sound of some part, especially the end of words, or lines of verse. In other word rhyme is repitation of similar sounds
I saw two shooting stars last night
I wished on them but they were only satelite

2. Informal langugage, language use chracterized by spontaneous speech by situation that may be described as natural or real life.
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the ither side
It's the climbe

some songs have language features as poems. The following are characteristic of poems. Poems do not have to rhyme, nor do they have to follow any paricular structure or include any particular style. But, most poem do feature a few key characteristic.
  1. Sound, Poets utilize different sounds and tone throughout poetry to change te way it sounds.
  2. Mater, The meter of a poem is the rhyme or pattern of speech with which you read it, and it doesn't happen by accident.
  3. Figure of speech, Figure of speech or figurative language are ways of describing or explaining things in a nin-literal or non-traditionalway. In other words, where the do not have their original or literal meanjng. It is used to heighten or increase the state that they are describing.
  4.  Imagery is something concrete, like a           Sight, smell, or taste. It describes what the poet sees, hears, or otherwise senses. Imagery creates a picture that the reader or listener can see in his mind.
  5. Punctuation and format. The punctuation and format of the poem deal with how it is arranged on the page and how the author intends for you to read it. 
The following are some figures of speech
  • Metaphor (describing something by likening it to something else)
Example: He is the black sheep of the family, 
  • Hyperbole (a frequently humorous exaggeration that hints at a larger truth)
 Example: She is starving (very hungry)
  • Simile (a comparison between two different things, designed to create an unusual, interesting, emotional, or other effect often using like or
Example: He is as brave as a lion

  4. Imagery is something concrete, like a           Sight, smell, or taste. It describes what the poet sees, hears, or otherwise senses. Imagery creates a picture that the reader or listener can see in his mind.
  5. Punctuation and format. The punctuation and format of the poem deal with how it is arranged on the page and how the author intends for you to read it.

Trying to make or write verse of song or poetry in a foreign language can be useful and interesting experience, even if you rarely write or read poetry in your mother language. By trying to write poems you can learn about the effects of particular words. 

Itu saja dulu yang dapat saya tulis, mungkin ada kritik dan saran terkait lagu dan puisi, kami persilahkan.


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