soal puisi poem bahasa inggris sma

Hi guest, Pada saat semua negera di landa pedemic Virus Corona 19 ( COVID-19), sehingga banyak negara mengajutkan untuk bekerja dari rumah atau work from hime (WFH), begitu juga dengan kegiatan belajar mengajar untuk untuk dilaksanakn melalui daring atau pembelajaran online dan Social Distancing atau menjaga jarak antar sesama, itu merupakan cara untuk memutus rantai atau setidaknya mengurangi dampak Virus Corona.

Dengan belajar dirumah berbagi hal dapat dilaksanakan melalui online dan untuk mata pelaharan bahasa di semester genap atau semester dua kamu mempelajari tentang topik lagu atau puisi.

Berikut ini puisi tentang pedemic corona virus sebagai bahan pelajaran kamu di rumah dan juga latihan soal puisi.


Covid-19, please hurry up and leave my country
I can't bear to see my country sad because of you
covid-19, there have been many people who died because of you
I beg you, don't make someone a ill anymore
And just stop here, don't pass on your disease to others again

1.What does the writer feel about Covid-19?
2. What's happened in the writer's country?
3. Why is the expection of the writer about Covid-19?
4. Do you get the mataphore in the poetry above?
5. What the write message in the poetry above?


Corona You are a deadly virus
Attacking everyone whithout acquaintance
Eventhough a child or adult
Eventhough a man or woman
Eventhough a poor or rich

Everyone can't do anything
Everyone can't go anywhere
Everyone can't communicate closly
Everyone only do a distancing each other
Its is because of you

Someone is worried about your arrival
Someone suspects about you
Because you are invisible
Because you are a ghost of a died
And someday someone could catch you a live or die

1. What does the poetry about?
2. What is the effect of corona?
3. Why is everyone worried about the  corona?
4. Why is everyone trying to catch corona?
5. What is the figure of the poem above?


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