Chooshing a living in Shanghai or Amirica

Hi guest, Virus korona masih terus menghatui banyak negara, dan penyakit ini masih belum ditemukan obatnya, nah kali ini ada sebuah cerita tentang virus corana, jika kamu ditanya apakah kamu memilih tinggal di Shanghai China atau Amirika?

Berikut ini cerita tentang sebuah keluarga yang memilih untuk tinggal dari kedua benua tersebut.

Chooshing a living in Shanghai or Amirica

This is indeed Sunday reading.  But this one mother is amazing: Husband works in America.  The wife works in Shanghai.  Where will his two children be "hidden" from Covid-19?

 Interestingly the husband and wife are Americans.  Not of Chinese descent.  They also discussed about the safety of their two children.  Discussion topic: where are you more secure, in China or in America?

Every household has its own problems.  Likewise this pair.

Since before China was struck by Covid-19, their two children have joined their mothers in Shanghai.  They study in the biggest city in China.

When the epidemic increasingly struck China, in America it was still calm.  It is unlikely that the same outbreak will enter America.

Shanghai also announced that schools must be closed.

So the mother sent her two children back to America.  Without accompanying  At the Washington airport the father picked him up.  While China is hit by Covid, let them stay with their father in Washington, DC.

They moved schools there.  Back to their old school.

A month later, it turned out that Covid was running rampant in America.  Very fast.  Start an announcement: the school will be closed.

The wife follows this development for the sake of her child.  With a high level of caution.

Soon China began to overcome Covid-19.  While America is getting oversized.  The mother made a quick decision: it would be safer if her child was pulled back to Shanghai.  After all, schools in Washington will be closed.

The matter of handling a pandemic, his wife became more confident in China's ability.

While the situation in America is very worrying.  He does not believe the system in America can act as hard as in China.

So he flew to Washington DC.  Pick up the child.  As soon as he landed in Washington he concluded: a decision was right.  Namely to withdraw his daughter back to Shanghai.

When he landed at the airport, he already knew: America is very reckless - very lightly pandemic.  He looked at the airport: there was no adequate inspection.  Even in Washington he saw the attitude of the people ignorant.  As if there was no pandemic.  The roads are still busy.  People are still milling around.  The restaurant is still full.  "This is dangerous," I thought to myself.

Then not until the count of days he had left again for the airport.  With his two children.  The goal is round: Shanghai.  His son will be safer than in America.

Only 36 hours the mother in America.

Later, a few days later, he felt even more right.  Namely when he followed the development of Covid-19 in America.  Whose victims continue to skyrocket like uncontrollably.

That's the picture of a mother who is squeezed by a pandemic between two continents.

The next story is not only interesting, but also important to us.  So that we know this is how to manage society in the middle of a pandemic.  The South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, carried the mother's story.  Without mentioning your name and complete identity.

Once he landed back in Shanghai, his mother found a very different atmosphere.  So tight.  Though the plague has begun to be overcome in Shanghai.

On March 15, 2020 he landed again at the Shanghai airport.  With his two children.  The atmosphere is very different from American airports.

Flight passengers must not leave the plane immediately.  Must be long time sitting sweet inside first.  Until all checks are complete.  One by one asked about the state of their bodies.  Body temperature.  Medication that is being consumed.  Never go to any city.  Many health documents must be filled out.  Then examined so thoroughly.  For two hours the American mother and child were on the plane.

When passengers are finally allowed to leave the plane, they still have to queue before the immigration process.  For two hours standing in line.

Once at the front, an airport officer conducts another inspection.  All documents are carefully examined again.  The ones checking wearing PPE clothes are complete.

After passing the inspection it goes back into the next queue: the queue to photocopy all health documents.  Which had passed the two previous checks.  There is a Xerox copy machine there.

A copy of the document was then affixed with yellow paper.  That is, that is a sign may be queued at a later stage.  Ie, the queue for Covid-19's rapid inspection.

The results of the examination will determine the fate.  There are three possibilities: quarantine in each house, or quarantine in a designated hotel.  Or also have to go straight to the hospital.

After going through that process, then you can go to immigration.  For passport control.

The mother fared well: her condition and children were very good.  They are declared to have to enter quarantine in their own apartment.

For that he got a document "escaped" from the airport.  Means you can take the baggage.

But that does not mean it is free.  For the color document holder, he must enter a special queue.  Ie, which goes to the bus that has been determined.  Namely the bus majoring in the apartment of the mother.  No taxi or other bus can be used.

But before heading to the special bus he had to download special Apps.  Namely Apps health report.  He must fill out a list of questions in the Apps.  His body condition must always be reported on his cellphone.

The mother and child arrived near the bus.  He has to undergo another body temperature check.  Then have to show that he already has Apps on his mobile.

There are still other procedures.  He can only quarantine himself in his own apartment if he can fulfill this condition: the neighbor in the apartment allows it.  What is meant by neighbors is the apartment occupants committee (a kind of management) and apartment management.

If the two parties do not agree, they must quarantine at the hotel.  There are two hotel choices.  The one that costs 30 dollars and the 60 dollars.  That is a predetermined hotel.  So the government can keep a close watch.

The mother was confident enough to be accepted by the apartment committee and her management.  That's because the mother lives in an apartment where the majority of the residents are foreigners.

Before the mother boarded the bus, an officer dressed in "astronaut" checked his passport.  Then take it.  The passport will only be returned if the Covid-19 test results are out.

Without waiting for the return of the mother's passport to ride a large bus.  Don't know where the bus will go.  Not all passengers are in the same apartment.

An hour later the big bus arrived at a sports arena.  The mother checks where the location is.  He knows too.  In a district he knows.

Passengers are asked to get off the bus.  But check the passenger number first.  Then you have to get in line at the sports center.  In accordance with the number and color of the paper he was holding.

The mother entered group 1. Then the queue to enter the sports center must also be in line 1.

Inside the sports arena is provided a seat that can be propped.  So they can rest.  There is also a TV set with video on demand programs.

They must be there for a long time.  To wait to be called one by one.  To undergo the Covid-19 test.

The astronauts then distributed blankets.  Then deliver the bread placed on the stroller.  The amount is unlimited.  Divided also imported milk from Germany.  The mother put high appreciation for the milk.  Foreigners in China are not used to drinking local milk.  Also divided masks and water in bottles.

At 20:30 (meaning 7 hours after landing), I was called.  Two nurses dressed in astronauts brought to the back of the building.  Ie, into the yard with a tent.

That's where the Covid-19 test was conducted.  Namely by taking mucous fluid in the nose - near the throat.

After taking the mukus, the mother returned to the chair that had been propped up earlier.  At this time the mother was worried.  While sitting in a chair he imagined: lest the results were positive.  Lest contracting while in America.  If until the mother is positive, it means she will be separated from her two small children.

Long the mother's shadow.  Where will the child be?  Where will he be?  How will be able to communicate.  Freaking out.

But he was also amazed.  How many people have been tested in China.  Very different from in America.

The shadow makes the mother unable to sleep.  Even though it's already 00.30.  Fortunately her children slept well under the thick blanket on the reclining chair.

At 02.30 the announcement came.  All bus passengers were stated negative.  Not playing leganyi.

They can also get ready to go home.  Just get ready.  There are still a lot of documents that need to be filled out and checked.  Including the document the statement will not be out of the apartment for 14 days.

Only at 4:30 they can leave the sports center.

The mother can finally arrive at her own apartment.  In Shanghai.

But at 9 am his door was knocked.  The astronauts dressed officer made measurements of body temperature.  Likewise in the afternoon.

Such is the strict examination in China.  From inside the plane until you get home.  That is why Covid-19 was quickly resolved there.

At that time, on that date, passengers were still free to enter and exit Indonesia.

(Dahlan Iskan's note)


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