Soal Uraian Personal Letter dan Jawaban

Hi guest, setelah mempelajari personal letter dengan lengkap, tentunya kamu sudah tahu dong tentang personal letter. Begitu juga dengan Fungsi personal letter itu sendiri. Selain itu kamu sudah mengetahui Struktur membuat surat pribadi dan begitu juga dengan tata bahasa yang digunakannya.

Baiklah mari belajar berlatihan soal personal letter, mari kita cek pemahaman kamu sampai dimana pemahaman kamu semua. Berikut ini soal latihan terkait personal letter. Silahkan kamu kerjakan soal dibawah ini. Semoga sukses selalu untuk kamu semua. Good Luck!

Berikut ini soal Uraian Personal Letter.

Answer the following questions and correctly!                                                                 

                                                                                       Yogyakarta, August 24, 2018

Dear Alya,

How's life? I'm sorry for replying your letter late. I got an accident last two months, so I spent my days
on the bed.

Do you want to know how it happened? When I was walking home, somebody hit me by a bike. I fell to
the stream. There were many rocks in the stream, so they hurt my leg and hand. I was in the hospital for two
weeks, and took a rest for the next two weeks. I couldn't walk without crutches. My right hand was swollen.
I couldn't write and hold anything.

Now, I'm better. I can walk slowly. I also can use my hand. Therefore, I can write a letter for you.
Anyway, I'd like to meet you when you get back. Hope you are enjoying your time there.



1. Write down the general structure of personal letters!
2. What is P.S.? What does it mean?
3. What is the purpose of the letter?
4. Why did Tania reply Alya's letter late?
5. Imagine that you move to a new school. Write a letter to your friend about your
   activities in the new school!

Saya sertakan juga tugas remidi, jika para siswa memperoleh nilai di bawah Kriteria Ketuntasan Belajar Minimal (KBM). Berikut ini bentuk soal uraian.

Remedial Test

Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!

1. What is the definition of a personal letter?
2. Mention five matters usually in personal letter!
3. What do people usually write in opening paragraph?
4. Mention three expressions used to end a personal letter!
5. Write a personal letter about your activities on Sundays!

Kamu ingin mengetahui hasil pekerjaan kamu, ini saya buatkan kunci jawaban guna mengecek hasil pekerjaan kamu.


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